The uvex CO₂ footprint

How and why are we calculating the CO₂ footprint of our products?

To help achieve the goals set out by the European Green Deal on climate neutrality by 2050 at the latest, the current emissions must first be calculated so that subsequent potential savings can be identified. To determine the transparency of our products’ greenhouse gas emissions throughout the entire supply chain, and to provide our customers with a comprehensive view of the company’s carbon footprint, we have started to calculate the CO₂ footprint for our products.

uvex CO₂ footprint

What do we mean by carbon footprints?

A carbon footprint is measured through an emissions calculation. This determines the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions (including carbon dioxide, or CO2) associated with resource consumption, manufacturing processes, transport or energy consumption. All the processes involved in the life of a product are included in the calculation of its carbon footprint. In our calculations, we differentiate between the cradle-to-customer and the cradle-to-grave principles. Our aim is to use this data to identify potential for savings (for example through hotspot analysis) and to communicate our sustainability performance both internally and externally. The calculation may also be used as a basis for future design and product development processes.

What measurement methods do we use to calculate a product’s carbon footprint?

uvex calculates the carbon footprint of its products using the methodology outlined in the international standard ISO 14067. We calculate carbon footprints using SimaPro software and the ecoinvent database’s cut-off system model, information we collect from our suppliers and datasets based on our own measurements. The calculation method corresponds in summary: IPCC 2021 GWP 100a (based on ISO 14067) SimaPro 9.4.02 Database ecoinvent 3.8. Scope: cradle to customer. The CO2 values stated apply to the calculation period and may be subject to permanent changes.

Why doesn't it make sense to compare our CO₂ footprints with other companies?

Due to the universal applicability of some standards and different calculation methods, there are interpretation issues and questions that can affect the consistency and comparability of results. When considering CO2 footprints from other companies, the methodology, system limit and functional unit must always be questioned to ensure a certain comparability.

With the CSRD and EU Taxonomy Regulation coming into force, the carbon footprint of every product used in a company becomes an important part of its overall carbon footprint. By specifying the CO2 footprint of its products, uvex already offers a high level of transparency, thus aiding in the selection and evaluation of more sustainable products. The determined CO2 values allow a comparison between uvex standard products and products with sustainable features, such as proportions of recycled or bio-based materials.

Head to toe product system of environmentally friendly products